Monday, November 17, 2008

Changing Effects without resorting to javascript in RichFaces JSF

Recently I had to use <rich:effect> to make a richPanel appear with BlindDown effect on user action. It was easy for me as I just had to use code as below to accomplish this


Just as it was given in RichFaces Demo site. Now I had to do this tricky part, I have to show the panel when user clicks the link "click" for the first time and BlindUp to close the panel when clicked again. I know we can easily do it with javascript as it just uses the scriptaculous library, I wanted to avoid javascript (rather explicitly in JSF applications), so came up with this solution.

As I will be toggling the effect for panel based on the values that I am going to display from my seam action, i wanted to use the data to differentiate if I need to show or hide the panel


Note that the oncomplete handler is unchanged (where I thought I will have to call a different javascript here initially ..), we will be changing the effect type based on our business specific condition which can help us determine whether to close the panel or to open it.

Also notice, that the style element for the richPanel is set to display:none or display:block , this is to hide the panel initially so that BlindDown effect make sense.. and similarly used display:block to make sure user can see the effect of panel hiding using the BlindUp effect



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